"Evaluating the Trauma-Informed Program for Promoting Success" by Jessica Foley

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Psychology: School Psychology

Committee Chair

Adena Meyers


Research has shown trauma-informed care in schools is effective in reducing the impact of trauma on children, as well as bolstering future success in those who are at-risk for experiencing trauma. Improving students school climate, emotion regulation strategies, learning behaviors, and friendships in middle school students is effective in preventing the impact of trauma. There is limited research to address implementation of trauma-informed, group-based services in middle schools. In this study, a group-based intervention targeted towards middle school students who are at-risk for trauma will be examined. 54 middle school students in grades 6-8 will be participating in the Trauma-Informed Program for Promoting Success. The students will be identified for the group through a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Scale. The students in this study will take pre and post-test surveys measuring their perception of school climate, emotion regulation, learning behaviors, and friendships. Their discipline record and academic performance will also be measured at pre- and post-intervention through a record review. A correlational matrix will be used to determine if demographic variables correlate with study variables. If so, they will be entered as covariates. Data will be analyzed using a repeated measures ANOVA, examining between, within, and between-within interactions. The analysis will measure a difference between the groups pre- and post-test measures.

Access Type

Dissertation-Open Access


