Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational Administration and Foundations: Educational Administration

Committee Chair

Mohamed Nur-Awaleh


This is a study of African students in community colleges. A qualitative study was conducted during the summer and fall semesters of 2020 to collect data from a sample of African students in two community colleges in the mid-west region of the United States. The study provided an in-depth look at the study participants, their journey to the colleges, expectations, hopes, and needs they brought with them to the two-year institutions. This study also explores students’ feelings about their experiences in the campuses and how those experiences impact their academic advancements as well as their socio-cultural adjustment in the United States. Theoretically, Bohman's international student community college decision-making model as well as Hofstede’s cultural dimension theory are the guiding frameworks for this research. Qualitative data collected from eight study participants was analyzed and discussed using thematic analysis technique. Specifically, three main themes emerged that revealed the peculiarity of the journey and experiences of the students in the community colleges, offering insights for institutions engaged in recruiting and hosting African students.


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