Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational Administration and Foundations: Educational Administration

Committee Chair

John K Rugutt


College and university campuses are designed and maintained by experts in facilities management and planning. What is lacking in these processes is expertise in learning environments and creating spaces that are healthy and inclusive. University organizational structures aid in the autonomy of academic freedom and the nimbleness of research endeavors but hinder operational effectiveness of the campus as a learning and research environment. A more integrated approach, which optimizes the knowledge on campus regardless of where it is housed, can mitigate the unintended conflicts that develop through the disparate approach to learning, equity, and wellbeing in the built environment. This paper examines the organizational structures of higher education and demonstrates how optimization through a systems approach can mitigate the adverse consequences of autonomy and decentralization in the design and operation of higher education campuses. Several examples of applied systems approaches will be analyzed for effectiveness and contributions to the core mission of higher education. KEYWORDS: sustainability; higher education; systems approach; systems optimization; organizational structure; campus design; resilience; financial stewardship; fiscal accountability; facilities management; capital planning; physical plant; classroom design; learning spaces; design for equity; design for learning; design for health; design for wellbeing.


Page Count

