Do They Know or Do They Think They Know? Analyzing Pre-service Teachers Perceived Cultural Awareness
Graduation Term
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
School of Teaching and Learning
Committee Chair
Sandra L Osorio
With an increasingly diverse population, are pre-service teachers confident in their abilities to teach Culturally and Linguistically Diverse students? The research available states the importance of teacher becoming culturally aware to work with diverse students, but little is known about how confident pre-service teachers perceive themselves to be in this aspect. This research study seeks to understand how teacher candidates in a teacher preparation program in the Midwest U.S. assess their levels of cultural awareness and how this informs their practice with minoritized students. To understand just how teacher-candidates perceive themselves and implement practices for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse students, participants filled out an online survey, participated in a focus group interview, and provided lesson plans to be evaluated using an adapted SIOP protocol. Results showed that participants believed they were culturally aware, but their implementation of culturally aware strategies were not evident in their artifacts. Teacher preparation programs should reflect how student-teachers are perceiving themselves and how close are those perceptions with the reality of their practices. The better they align practices with perception the more pre-service teachers will be prepared to work with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students.
Access Type
Dissertation-Open Access
Recommended Citation
Rodriguez-Nieves, William Javier, "Do They Know or Do They Think They Know? Analyzing Pre-service Teachers Perceived Cultural Awareness" (2021). Theses and Dissertations. 1503.
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