"Portrait of a"Gentlemanly"Profession: Whiteness and the Persistent Rac" by Adam J. Saatkamp

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational Administration and Foundations: Educational Administration

Committee Chair

Stacy Otto


While the accounting profession has employed numerous initiatives aimed at diversification and inclusion over the past 50 years, Black CPAs are still significantly underrepresented in the accounting profession, evidence of the profession’s persistent racial imperviousness. Black Americans who do successfully enter the accounting profession feel excluded from informal business-related networks and report finding it challenging to navigate the politics of the profession. Black accountants also report sensing a need to work extra hard to prove their knowledge and worth to their white colleagues and supervisors (Dey, Lim, Little, & Ross, 2019). The purpose of my study is to evidence and analyze the influence of white racial identity, collective remembering, and deficit discourse within the history of accounting and accounting education to establish a broad narrative of the profession and reveal and interpret that whitewashed narrative’s influences and outcomes. Using critical discourse analysis, I intentionally frame my work to shift the conversation away from deficit models and toward an overdue reckoning with privilege and professional identity by critically analyzing the historical development of the modern accounting profession. The findings of this research indicate the necessary curricular and pedagogical changes that must be implemented before accounting education can effectively produce a diverse and inclusive profession.

Access Type

Dissertation-Open Access


