Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Committee Chair

Amy Bardwell


Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine if cancer survivors are meeting nutrition and physical activity recommendations presented by the ACS. The association between a survivor’s primary source of nutrition advice and these factors was also assessed. Method: A sample of 132 cancer survivors was recruited through social media. Inclusion criteria included: United States citizenship, at least 18 years of age, and diagnosis of cancer or malignancy by a health care professional. A one-time, self-administered survey was distributed via Qualtrics. The Dietary Screener Questionnaire was utilized to determine average daily consumption of fruits and vegetables and the weekly consumption of red and processed meat. Additional questions were used to determine BMI, alcohol intake, and physical activity. Results: Mean consumption of fruits and vegetables among participants were both lower than guideline recommendations. Mean fruit consumption was .913 cup equivalents (SD = .411), mean vegetable consumption was 1.549 cup (SD = .370). There was no statistically significant association between primary source of nutrition advice and mean fruit, vegetable, red or processed meat consumption. There were also no statistically significant associations between primary source of nutrition advice and BMI, alcohol intake, or physical activity.


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