Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of English

Committee Chair

Erika M Sparby


This thesis seeks to demonstrate a need for an antiracist writing curriculum in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, which contributed to an upswing of violent acts against Asians and Asian Americans living in the United States. Asian Americans have faced fluctuating status over the course of this country’s history, yet these stories are hardly represented by the canon and are instead misconstrued by hegemonic narratives. I seek to speak back against these narratives by designing a writing course based on critical race counterstory—those lived experiences that conflict with mainstream perceptions. By designing a methodological framework for teaching first-year writing through an Asian American counterstory lens, I aim to reveal the potential impacts of an Asian American antiracist curriculum and pedagogy in first-year writing and the roles that positionality and counterstory play in this type of pedagogy. Additionally, I seek to explain the affordances and constraints of an Asian American antiracist pedagogy on students at a predominantly white institution in the hopes that other educators will take up the journey toward a more socially-just, ethical, and culturally-responsive writing pedagogy.


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