Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Chemistry

Committee Chair

Shawn Hitchcock


Since the emergence of AIDS in the early 1980s, strategies to mitigate the disease remain a high priority for medical professionals worldwide. While there is no broadly available cure or vaccine for HIV/AIDS at this time, early diagnosis and treatment can drastically reduce the severity of the infection. To this end, antiretroviral drugs are regularly employed to combat the virus and achieve HIV latency in infected patients. One such drug, Darunavir, has been used as a highly effective HIV protease inhibitor. Recently, a growing interest in derivatization of Darunavir to test for improved drug efficacy has prompted great efforts in the synthetic/medicinal chemistry community. However, synthetic constrictions of currently existing routes to Darunavir have made access to its analogues a difficult enterprise. The synthesis described herein is proposed to be an efficient, modular pathway to Darunavir that will allow for the easy production of derivative drug candidates. The discussion begins with our group’s development of a non-Evans syn- asymmetric glycolate aldol addition reaction that serves as the foundation of our proposed synthesis.


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