Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Department of Special Education

Committee Chair

Yun-Ching Chung

Committee Member

Mark Zablocki


The purpose of this study was to understand general and special education teacher perceptions about collective teacher efficacy (CTE), culturally responsive teaching self-efficacy (CRTSE), and culturally responsive instruction outcome expectancy (CRIOE) and the educational success of culturally linguistically diverse students (CLD) with disabilities. Forty-four teachers (16 general educators and 28 special educators) from six Midwestern school districts completed a survey consisting of CTE, CRTSE, and CRIOE. The findings from this study suggest general and special education teacher participants did not perceive themselves or their colleagues as culturally responsive. Yet, general and special education teachers agreed that CRT positively affects student outcomes and believe training can help create a barrier-free environment to facilitate learning for CLD students with disabilities. Participants demonstrated low confidence in CRT practices, mainly using student culture to increase engagement in learning and working with families. Implications for teacher practice include a professional development framework utilizing research-based activities that build CRT efficacy supported by coaching.

Keywords: teacher efficacy, collective teacher efficacy, culturally responsive teaching, outcome expectancy, culturally linguistically diverse students with disabilities


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