"Impact of High School Career and Technical Education on Graduation Rat" by Amy Tague

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Committee Chair

Kathy Mountjoy


This study examines the relationship between high school graduation requirements, electives, and career and technical education (CTE) requirements in the Midwestern United States. Data on overall high school graduation rates, high school CTE-concentrator graduation rates, and post-high school graduation workforce postsecondary enrollment rates were analyzed for several Midwestern states. The findings indicate variability in the number of electives allowed across these states, with some states showing a positive correlation between higher elective allowance and CTE concentrator graduation rates. Post-high school graduation workforce entry rates varied among these states, with Illinois exhibiting the highest rate above the national average. However, the study does not provide information on other post-graduation pathways. Additionally, this study examined the relationship to CTE pathway enrollments and the industries in the Midwest with the largest worker needs. These findings contribute to understanding of high school CTE programs and their contribution to closing the United States skills gap.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access


