Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Committee Chair

Connie Dyar

Committee Member

Gabriela Fonseca Pereira


Aging has become a challenging issue worldwide as well as in the United States where the high cost of nursing homes and unfriendly insurance plans have exacerbated the situation. To address this issue, multigenerational living arrangements have gained attention to bring financial, social, and environmental benefits, and reduce social isolation and loneliness among older adults. Researchers employed qualitative research methods by gathering data from open-ended interviews and observations to explore interior design needs and concerns and to identify necessary adjustments to promote aging-friendly living environments for multigenerational households. A total of 8 participants from four multigenerational households were conducted in the mid-west of the United States. Results illustrated that four themes of needs and concerns were identified, including merged space, independence, lighting, and safety, and three main patterns of adjustments were recommended – size, layout, and functionality, to accommodate all generations comfortably. Participants valued interior spaces that fostered a sense of belonging and emphasized the importance of cleanliness, views, lighting, and comfortable furniture for socialization and well-being. The significance of this study lies in its potential to improve the interior living environment of multigenerational households, provide practical interior design considerations for an increasing living arrangement, help to create a more adaptive living environment for different generations and address a specific gap in the interior design field.KEYWORDS: multigenerational households; multigenerational living; sustainability; aging; aging in place; well-being; adaptability


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