Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Department of Educational Administration and Foundations: Educational Administration

Committee Chair

Elizabeth Lugg


School choice is often utilized in school districts for access and opportunity. Researchers have found that school choice does not inherently provide access to students. The goal of this mixed methods study was to determine if implementing a new platform for families to apply to magnet programs in an urban district would mitigate barriers. Along with the implementation of a new application platform, a survey was conducted by families to determine perception of school choice, along with barriers for families. Findings indicated the application platform that was implemented did not significantly change the magnet school enrollment by race. They also indicated that African American families wanted access to magnet programs, but their white counterparts gained access at an inequitable rate. The implications of my findings could be beneficial to school districts, community members, and school boards to understand the importance of access to magnet schools and the potential inequities that can arise. The design of this study allowed for families to have a platform to share their views on a district initiative and share their beliefs on improving the current practice.


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