Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Agriculture

Committee Chair

Iuliia Tetteh


Certain agricultural practices can negatively impact the environment, and thus experts developed a set of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to address these environmental risks and challenges from agriculture. The adoption of these BMPs have been recognized to safeguard the environment while also yielding economic advantages for agricultural producers. This study employed primary data obtained from popcorn producers in the United States to investigate the level of adoption of these BMPs among this group of producers. Additionally, various farm and producer characteristics were assessed to identify the factors that impact producers’ adoption levels of these practices. The BMP adoption index was developed to measure the level of BMP adoption among respondents. Multinomial logistic and logit regression models were used to estimate the extent of how certain factors impact popcorn producers’ BMP adoption levels. The results indicates that majority of producers follow BMPs at a moderate level, while nearly a quarter do so at low levels despite the numerous advantages. Also, this study reveals producers’ income and experience levels have a significant impact on the adoption of BMPs in popcorn production. These results may be important to stakeholders in developing strategies and interventions to promote the widespread adoption of BMPs among popcorn producers. Thus, this study will inform policymakers, agricultural extension services, and other industry stakeholders to effectively promote the adoption of BMPs in the popcorn industry, benefiting individual producers and improving environmental sustainability.


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