"Growing Trust-Building Habits of Novice School Administrators: a Quali" by Stacie France

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Department of Educational Administration and Foundations: Educational Administration

Committee Chair

Elizabeth T Lugg


A team of three novice school administrators adopted actions to develop teacher identified, trust-building habits. By developing trust-building habits, novice leaders reduced their cognitive load while navigating the fast pace of ever-changing American schools and striving to better serve students, especially students who are marginalized. The problem of practice addressed is that novice administrators need to uncover their trust-building strengths and address trust-diminishing habits. During a 90-day intervention, the novice administrators collectively grew the trust-building habit of accessibility and individually aimed to develop a trust-building habit of empowerment, care, or communication. Findings show novice administrators increased their understanding of trust, benefits of habits, and embraced new actions to build trust in targeted areas for trust building. Growing trust is foundational to continuous school improvement, change efforts, and serving students and families, especially those who are marginalized. This qualitative study demonstrates how school leaders can adopt specific actions to grow trust-building habits to better serve students, teachers, and communities.

Access Type

Dissertation-Open Access


