"Exploring Factors That Influence Gen Z Consumers’ Adoption of Metavers" by Xuan Nhat Linh Ho

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Committee Chair

Ui-Jeen Yu


Metaverse is an all-encompassing digital ecosystem that comprises numerous virtual worlds. Nowadays, Metaverse platforms are utilized globally for social interactions, work-related tasks, leisure activities, and online shopping. Furthermore, fashion brands now recognize immersive Metaverse technology's great potential and focus on reaching more consumers and expanding market share through Metaverse. However, it is unclear if other brands should invest in building a solid presence in Metaverse. Limited studies have investigated how these fashion-related factors influence brand experience, brand awareness, brand attitude, and purchase intention on Metaverse retail platforms. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and fashion-related factors that influence the adoption of Metaverse for online apparel shopping among Gen Z consumers and to examine how the use of Metaverse enhances their brand experience, brand awareness, brand attitude, and purchase intention toward fashion brands. Based on TAM theory, it is hypothesized that TAM-related factors—perceived usefulness, ease-of-use, and enjoyment of a fashion brand’s Metaverse—positively influence brand experience, brand awareness, and brand attitude to provide a greater purchase intention on a fashion brand's Metaverse. This study expanded the application of TAM by incorporating fashion-related factors—fashion innovativeness and fashion involvement—as possible antecedents, brand experience, and brand awareness in the model. Data were collected via a Qualtrics survey from a sample of college students (birth years range from 1997 to 2012 as Gen Z) from a large Midwestern university. Participants were recruited for this study using a convenience sample method. Of 747 students invited to participate in the survey, 171 responded to provide a response rate of 22.89%. Completed responses used for data analysis were 165 (22%).Preliminary and main analyses included normality using Q-Q scatterplots, reliability checks using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient principal component analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression. SPSS version 29.0 was used for this analysis. Findings from this study showed perceived enjoyment was positively related to brand awareness, brand experience, brand attitude, and purchase intention toward the fashion brand. Meanwhile, perceived usefulness significantly affected fashion’s brand experience and purchase intention. Additionally, perceived ease of use was shown to be positively related to brand attitude. Regarding fashion-related factors, fashion involvement was positively related to brand experience and brand attitude. Surprisingly, no significant relationship was found between fashion innovativeness and brand experience, brand awareness, brand attitude, and purchase intention regarding the fashion brand. Both brand experience and brand awareness of fashion brands are positively related to attitude toward brands and purchase intention for brands. A positive attitude toward the brand ultimately leads to greater purchase intention. This study elucidated the predictive power of the TAM model to explain the consumers’ acceptance of Metaverse and its impact on the brand's relationship. Based oiin these findings, this study provides valuable managerial insights for fashion brands on Metaverse. Fashion brands on Metaverse should create virtual products that closely resemble their real-life counterparts in terms of features, functionalities, and details such as price, delivery, and promotion, or align with real-world collections. Meanwhile, fashion brands on Metaverse should incorporate its platform with entertaining features to attract users and create an immersive experience. Moreover, retailers on Metaverse should focus on building a strong community on its platform.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access


