"Balancing Identities: a Thematic Analysis of the Ideology of Professio" by Amber Allen

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Communication

Committee Chair

Lindsey Thomas


With the recent political climate, race has been an important topic of discussion and how the systems of our society influence your movement through life based on said race. The system of interest of this thesis of that of employment and the themes of what it means to be and act professional. Traditionally, these themes are centered around whiteness and the employees’ ability to adapt to these standards placed on the organization in which they work. Using critical race theory as the theoretical lens, this thesis uses a dialogic approach to convey the stories and testimonies of members of the Black community who attempt to balance their identities of being Black while being seen a professional in their field. I conducted four online focus groups via Facebook consisting of members of the Black community who are currently employed. Using thematic analysis, three themes emerged related to what being a professional means while being a Black person. Implications of the study, limitations, and future research are discussed.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access


