"A Model of Organization Alignment: Identifying Predictors and Outcomes" by Frances Rynders

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Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Kimberly T. Schneider


The general goals of most organizations are to have productive, motivated, and engaged employees who are satisfied with their roles in the organization and ultimately want to remain with the organization. It is critical for leaders to understand conditions and factors that affect employee satisfaction and intent to stay as these employee perceptions can affect overall productivity and profitability. In the current study, organizational alignment was proposed as one such critical variable. SEM was used to understand the construct by examining how employee enhancement, communication of goals, and leadership effectiveness relate to organizational alignment, and how organizational alignment relates to company satisfaction and intentions to stay. The proposed model was not fully supported through the research findings. It is important to continue further research around this variable as it could be found to predict or affect other organizational factors. Organizational alignment should also be researched in a variety of industries and across various job levels to understand if it is more significant and impactful in different types of organizations.

Access Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only



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