"The Effect of Instructor Sexual Orientation on Self-Disclosure, Nonver" by Kyle Waznis

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Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Communication

Committee Chair

Kevin R. Meyer


Self-disclosure in the classroom can prove to be a complicated decision for some instructors. More specifically, choosing to disclose one's sexual orientation is a difficult decision. For instance, instructors may suspect that disclosure of their sexual orientation might affect students' perceptions and behaviors. The present study will investigate whether instructor disclosure of sexual orientation (bisexual disclosed, homosexual disclosed, bisexual not disclosed, homosexual not disclosed) affected their self-reported levels of immediacy, reports of student challenge behaviors, out-of-class communication with students, and end-of-term course evaluations compared to instructors who did not disclose sexual orientation.

Access Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only



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