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Graduation Term


Document Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Geography-Geology: Hydrogeology

Committee Chair

Catherine O'Reilly


A process of conducting a bathymetric study for purposes of determining sediment accumulation in Lake Bloomington and Evergreen Lake is described and analyzed in this thesis. When creating bathymetric surfaces by interpolation, error is introduced. Interpolations are predictions of the area surrounding known point data and error values vary depending on the method chosen. These errors were examined for each interpolation method available in the latest GIS software. After root mean square errors (RMSE) were calculated, it was determined that with more dense data (2014) RMSE values were much lower. The spline interpolation method produced RMSE values among the lowest for each of the two lakes studied and for each set of data (1999 and 2014). However, for the 2014 data, other interpolations had comparable RMSE values and better represented actual conditions to use in creation of bathymetric maps when ground truth data was collected. Interpolation using the natural neighbor method created surfaces that best represented the lakebed elevations. These interpolated surfaces were used in creating the final bathymetric maps for each lake and to estimate sediment accumulations. By comparing the bathymetric surfaces created with 1999 and 2014 data, since 1999, sediment accumulation for Lake Bloomington was 5.2% of its total water storage capacity and Evergreen Lakeâ??s sediment accumulation was 3.7% of its total water storage capacity. The total sediment volume accumulated since Lake Bloomingtonâ??s lifetime is estimated at 2,800 acre-feet (3,472,000 m^3) and estimated at 2,000 acre-feet (2,453,000 m^3) for Evergreen Lake.


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