"Feasibility Study of an Alternative Approach To Recycle Shipping Conta" by Tofig Mammadov

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Technology

Committee Chair

Haiyan Xie


In this research, the author proposes to study the feasibility of applying ISO shipping containers as alternative construction materials. Using retired shipping containers for dwellings, offices or other construction purposes is an environmentally friendly idea. The "green generation" constitutes a battle against harmful effects of industrial developments. Motivated by the green movement, this research addressed the recycling of shipping containers in the construction market. Particularly, this research studied the recycling of shipping containers for the purpose of student housing construction.

The design and justification of the implementation of the innovative construction materials was achieved through the application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) systems. The research contribution includes the analysis of the feasibility of the application of the alternative structural components. This research discussed the development of an alternative sustainable method of construction. The author studied if the application of shipping containers as a structural component of a building can significantly reduce construction cost in addition to the decrease of energy consumption. The author found that it is feasible to use shipping containers to develop midrise student residences with 4-7 stories living quarters.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access


