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Graduation Term


Document Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Sociology and Anthropology: Archaeology

Committee Chair

Elizabeth Scott


The examination of faunal remains from archaeological sites provides a wealth of information pertaining to the diets of past peoples. This original research focuses on the analysis of animal remains from two sites that date to post-Conquest Canada. One assemblage is from a 1780-1820s British use of a privy associated with the Intendant's palace in Québec. The second assemblage is from a 1780-1850s French occupation of the New Farm, located on Geese Island outside of Québec. These assemblages were examined to gain a better understanding of how the French and British living in post-Conquest Canada expressed their ethnicity and class status through their diets. These sites also provide an opportunity to examine the differences between urban and rural faunal assemblages. Lastly, a comparative analysis of other French and British post-Conquest sites in and around Québec provides a basis for comparing diets of the French and British occupants of New France.


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