"Workplace Stressors and Employee Well-Being: the Roles of Affect, Bore" by Kamila Gabka

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Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Dan Ispas

Committee Member

Alexandra Ilie


This study examines the link between hindrance stressors and various employee outcomes, such as psychological and physiological health, through negative emotions. Additionally, this study examines the moderating effects of Boredom Proneness and counterproductive work behaviors in relation to employee outcomes. Using Amazon's MTurk, we collected data through an online survey from a sample that ranged between 360 and 500 participants. As predicted, negative emotions mediated the relationship between hindrance stressors and employee outcomes. Additionally, Boredom Proneness moderated the relationship between hindrance stressors and negative emotions such that those who were high in Boredom Proneness experienced more negative emotions in response to hindrance stressors. Contrary to the hypotheses, counterproductive work behaviors only moderated one relationship between negative emotions and employee outcomes; specifically, counterproductive work behaviors moderated the relationship between negative emotions and disengagement. Strengths, limitations, and future directions for research are discussed.

Access Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only



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