"Understanding Flow Occurrence: Contributions from the 2x2 Achievement " by Devan Antczak

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Kinesiology and Recreation

Committee Chair

Anthony J. Amorose


Flow is often described as an optimal state, a rewarding experience, and highly motivating. Yet, much of how flow occurs is not understood. Multiple factors have been found to be antecedents of flow, one of which is motivation. The purpose of this study was to determine if variations in motivation according to the 2x2 achievement goal theory resulted in differences in occurrence of flow. An experimental design was utilized. Currently training male and female runners (N=60, ages 18-44 years), were randomly assigned to one of the four different achievement goal groups and reported on the level of flow experienced during a 12-minute Cooper aerobic test. Written goal manipulations were used to influence participant's achievement goal states. Results revealed these manipulations to be ineffective, but a hierarchical multiple regression found that self-reported goal states were related to flow occurrence after accounting for both dispositional flow and achievement goals and RPE. Mastery goals, both approach and avoidance, were found to be positive predictors of flow. These findings suggest that mastery goals may be important for experiencing flow.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access


