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Graduation Term

Summer 8-5-2016

Document Type

Dissertation-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Mennonite College of Nursing

Committee Chair

Teresa D. Valerio


Background. Primary care providers frequently counsel patients about the harmful effects of smoking and provide education to assist them in smoking cessation. Many people find medical appointments time-consuming and costly. Recently, smokers have been able to access computer-based and mobile applications to assist them to quit smoking.

Methods. A descriptive longitudinal study was conducted using a convenience sample of adults recruited from a Midwestern United States primary care clinic. Eligible patients were identified through clinic registries and contacted in patient portals or via mail. Those who met inclusion criteria were given access to SmartQuit®, an evidence-based smoking cessation mobile application. After eight weeks, those who activated the SmartQuit® application on their mobile device were surveyed about their experience using the application and whether they had smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days.

Results. Out of 797 eligible participants, seventeen participants activated the SmartQuit® application on their mobile devices and completed a smoking cessation quit plan within the application. Ten participants completed a follow up survey (65% retention). All participants reported finding the skills and exercises to aid in smoking cessation in the SmartQuit® application useful. Additionally, all participants reported that overall the SmartQuit® application was well organized and easy to use. Eight (80%) of the participants reported they would likely recommend use of the application to others. One (10%) participant reported successful smoking cessation.

Conclusions. Mobile telephone interventions are accepted by patients as a tool to assist them in smoking cessation.


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