"Progress as a Student Teacher: an Autoethnography" by Adrielle J. Schneider

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Art

Committee Chair

Judith Briggs

Committee Member

Edward Stewart


120 Pages

This autoethnographic action-research study was developed over an eight-week student teaching placement at a junior high school in Central Illinois. The participants in the study included my cooperating teacher and university supervisor as well as students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade art classes. The purpose of this study was to discover how I developed as a classroom art teacher during an eighth-week student teaching placement and to analyze the successes and failures of my teaching methods used during my student teaching placement, which included student centered teaching, the use of visual process diaries, allowing and encouraging mistakes, integrating diverse and contemporary artists, and the use of positive reinforcement. This study revealed the success and failures of each method used as well as the limitations and time constraints that took place during student teaching. Using while using student-centered teaching techniques, positive reinforcement, arts-based educational research, and allowing and encouraging mistakes were successfully implemented teaching methods. The use of visual process diaries and the attempt to incorporate diverse artists were less than successful due to time constraints. The study also recommends that student teachers use their placements as a way to experiment with any methods and lessons they would like to use in future teaching.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access


