"A Gis Analysis of Land Cover Effects on Water Systems: Nutrients and A" by Nicole Lee Kappel

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Biological Sciences

Committee Chair

Martha E. Cook

Committee Member

Bill L. Perry


Anthropogenic land conversion is occurring rapidly and has the potential to impact our water quality. This study aims to explore the effect of watershed land characteristics on water quality within stormwater ponds (SWPs). Rapid land conversion is known to affect water quality of receiving water bodies, however not much is known about the effect of urbanization on SWPs. Geographic informational systems (GIS) was used to determine areas of land that drain into ponds. Water samples were collected and analyzed for total phosphorous, dissolved reactive phosphorous, nitrate, and ammonia. Algal pigment and percent cover measurements were taken in the field and algal samples were collected for identification to genus in the laboratory. Statistical analysis revealed a negative relationship between ammonia and pondshed area, however no other nutrients or land use characteristics showed significance. Nutrients did not respond to land characteristics examined in this study but algal variables often did respond to land characteristics. Although algal richness was often significantly affected by land use, the relationships were complex and lead us to believe fertilization of lawns may play a role in stormwater ponds. Results from this study may provide insight into urban algal blooms and help guide land management efforts to protect surface water health from nutrient loading due to urbanization.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access


