"Work-Family Domain Interference by Technology Use during Nonwork Times" by Kathleen Frances Dill

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Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Kimberly Schneider


The purpose of the current study is to investigate the role that technological interruption has on non-work time (i.e., hours at home during the evenings and weekend for daytime shift workers). Specifically, the study investigates experienced stress due to actual work interruptions (e.g., urgent emails, texts, or calls related to work) and a perceived ‘tether’ to work (e.g., a self-imposed pressure or perceived need to check email during time at home) and their relationship with work-family conflict and boundary management preferences. The study found some interesting evidence that stress due to technology can be a problem in the work-family domain and that cyberstress is a unique construct. Although the current study experienced limitations, it does provide a framework for future studies to continue to investigate stress due to technology use in the work-family domain.in.

Access Type

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