Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Kinesiology and Recreation

Committee Chair

Rebecca L. Begalle


Context: It is estimated that 54% of all sport related injuries are to the lower extremity, specifically the knee and ankle. Following injury, many individuals demonstrate an asymmetrical weight shift during a double-leg squat, which may increase risk of further injury. Asymmetries are driven by a variety of factors including range of motion and neuromuscular control. The goal of rehabilitation is to identify asymmetrical movement and utilize evidence-based techniques to retrain deficient movement patterns. The double-leg squat is a reliable movement task to identify asymmetrical weight shifts. Based on the theory and purpose of suspension training (TRX), it may be one clinical tool to aid in retraining movement and diminish asymmetrical loading. However, the effects are currently unknown.

Objective: To compare hip kinematics using a tablet-based motion analysis system in individuals with an asymmetrical weight shift during the double-leg squat with and without suspension training. A secondary objective is to describe passive hip rotation range of motion (ROM) in the same individuals.

Design: Cross-Sectional Design.

Patients or other participants: 36 participants screened and 24 identified with an asymmetrical weight shift.

Main Outcome Measure(s): Bilateral limbs of each participant were assigned as the limb shifted away from (AWAY) and the limb shifted toward (TWD) based on their asymmetrical squat during participant screening. Passive hip internal rotation ROM and external rotation ROM were compared between limbs (AWAY, TWD) utilizing a paired samples t test. Side-to-side differences in hip adduction angle, calculated as the AWAY limb minus the TWD limb, during the double leg squat were compared between conditions (BASE, TRX) using a paired samples t test. Results: No significant difference was observed between the passive hip IR and ER ROM measures between limbs. There was a significant difference between the BASE and TRX double-leg squat conditions on measures of Hip ADD angle difference (t(23)=3.11, p=0.005, d = 0.63).. The difference score decreased during the TRX condition, indicating a reduction in the asymmetry between limbs.

Conclusions: With no extra coaching provided, the TRX suspension trainer squat task decreased the hip ADD angle difference compared to the BASE squat. Additional research needs to be completed to determine if these effects and be further magnified, but the TRX suspension trainer should be encouraged to be used in the clinical setting as a method for reducing an asymmetrical weight shift during a squat task.


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Biomechanics Commons
