Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Communication

Committee Chair

Cheri J. Simonds


Despite the growing number of students with disabilities in the university setting, few resources are offered to teach instructors about specific disabilities or provide direction for how to accommodate these students. This study used quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the influence of disability accommodation training on basic communication course instructors’ attitudes and self-efficacy regarding students with disabilities. The training used attribution theory as a lens to specifically focus on stuttering, a disability that is often stigmatized and uniquely affects the basic communication course classroom. I gathered pre-test and posttest data from 12 basic course instructors who attended the training session and posttest responses from 27 basic course instructors who did not. Additionally, I examined responses from three focus groups, totally 13 instructors, to determine the perceptions that basic course instructors had about the training session. Results suggest that the training session was effective in increasing instructor self-efficacy and instructors are desirous of further training and resources to accommodate students with disabilities. Specific implications for educators and trainers, and proposals for future research are discussed in detail.


Page Count


Included in

Communication Commons
