"Students’ Perception of the Self-Assessment Process in High School Phy" by Caitlan Peyton

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Kinesiology and Recreation

Committee Chair

Skip M. Williams


According to SHAPE America’s Executive Report (2016), the goal of physical education is to address the needs of the whole child, by helping students exercise both their bodies and minds, ultimately impacting all aspects of health. Within education, students are becoming significantly and detrimentally disengaged, specifically within the assessment process. An implicit aim of education is to enable students to become better judges of their own work by engaging in self-assessment. The purpose of this study was to understand students’ perception of the self-assessment process in physical education. Qualitative data was collected using a questionnaire consisting of items relating to students’ perception of self-assessment in physical education. Significant themes emerging from this study were that self-assessment helps improve future performance, increases motivation and self-efficacy during physical education, and increases communication between student and teacher. This study is significant in that it provides evidence of the relationship between students’ perceptions of the self-assessment process and their ability to make accurate judgments of their participation and performance during physical education.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access


