"A Generational Study of Collectivism in the United States" by Tyler Carter

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Politics and Government: Political Science

Committee Chair

Carl Palmer


A number of past sociopolitical studies have attempted to highlight the ways in which generational identity, which develops when people come of age in different times, affects political attitudes. In this study, I investigate generational influence on the degree to which individuals embrace collectivist values, as considered by examinations of social policy attitudes and trust in government. A measure of attitudes towards social policies arguably represent collectivist values because social policy is designed to prioritize the group over the individual. A subsequent measure of trust in government augments the discussion of collectivist values because the formation of democratic political institutions occurred out of the necessity for widespread collective problem-solving. Regression analyses across the various models indicate that generation has little to no effect on collectivist values. Instead, political ideology, socioeconomic status, and sociodemographic status are more indicative of collectivist values in the United States.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access


