Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of Sociology and Anthropology: Archaeology

Committee Chair

Livia Stone


Bisexuality has typically gone ignored in human geography. Specifically, geographers of sexualities have not incorporated the perspectives of bisexuals when theorizing about the production of queer or heteronormative spaces. This thesis asks what the experiences of bisexuals are throughout sexualized space and how bisexuals envision bisexual space. It argues that bisexuals, as people with non-binary subjectivities (not straight or gay), offer unique insights that challenge the widespread assumption of tolerant queer space, as well as performative approaches to space production. Bisexuals utilize preexisting models of gay space and their dissatisfaction within dichotomous space to imagine how bisexual space and queer space could materialize. This thesis uses imagined bisexual geographies to expand upon queer geography’s lens to include concepts of utopianism and queer futurity. These two viewpoints, being bisexual experiences in dichotomous space and bisexual imaginaries, make for a holistic and in-depth understanding of how bisexuals fit into the geographies of sexualities field and within the methods utilized by queer geographers.


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