"Lattice-Gas Cellular Automata in Modeling Biological Pattern Formation" by Gizem Yuce

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Mathematics

Committee Chair

Olcay Akman


There are several phenomena present in the physical world which can be defined or predicted by specific models. Cellular automata are basic mathematical models for characterization of natural systems by generating simple components and their local interactions. These models are specified on simple updating rules yet demonstrate complex behavior of physical phenomena. Besides this, lattice-gas cellular automata models go one step further and differ from cellular automata by having split updating rule into two parts as collision and propagation. In this study, the goal is to analyze hexagonal lattice-gas cellular automata with single cell type by using agent-based modeling and simulate the model with NetLogo to observe pattern formation. The model examination is focused on the two parameters for stability analysis. The results show that if there is a pattern formation in the model, the system is unstable, and if the patches are smaller and lighter patches, it is stable. Furthermore, the analysis for the choice of particle density and adhesion coefficient displayed that they are the main decision-mechanisms for general structure.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access



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Mathematics Commons
