
Faculty Publications from 2024


Characterization of the Disease-Causing Mechanism of KIF3B Mutations from Ciliopathy Patients, Jessica M. Adams, Caleb Sawe, Skye Rogers, Jordyn Reid, Ronith Dasari, and Martin F. Engelke


Sexually Antagonistic Coevolution of the Male Nuptial Gift and Female Feeding Behaviour in Decorated Crickets, Samuel Burns-Dunn, Tassie Mortys, Clarissa M. House, Christopher Mitchell, Kristin R. Duffield, Bert Foquet, Ben M. Sadd, Scott K. Sakaluk, and John Hunt


Data for Context-Dependence of an Antipredator Response in Neotropical Harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones), Austin Calhoun, Rachel Bowden, and Ben Sadd


Past and Recent Anthropogenic Pressures Drive Rapid Changes in Riverine Fish Communities, Alain Danet, Xingli Giam, Julian D. Olden, and Lise Comte


KIF3A Tail Domain Phosphorylation Is Not Required for Ciliogenesis in Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts, Ayoola Fasawe, Jessica M. Adams, and Martin Engelke


Avian Extraembryonic Membranes Respond to Yolk Corticosterone Early in Development, Emily P. Harders, Mitch Agustin, and Ryan T. Paitz


The Transfer of Male Cuticular Hydrocarbons Provides a Reliable Cue of the Risk and Intensity of Sperm Competition in Decorated Crickets, Clarissa M. House, Kristin Duffield, James Rapkin, Scott K. Sakaluk, and John Hunt


Effects of Hemiparasites in Grassland Restorations Are Not Universal, Anna Scheidel and Victoria Borowicz


Effects of Hemiparasites in Grassland Restorations Are Not Universal, Anna Marie Scheidel and Victoria Borowicz


Impacts of Harvest Date and Concurrent Alkali Pretreatment and Ensiling on Anaerobic Digestion of Pennycress Biomass, Liangcheng Yang, Tuba Yasmin Lubna, Michael A. Moklak, Barsanti Gautum, Nicholas J. Heller, Robert L. Rhykerd, David E. Kopsell, and John C. Sedbrook

Faculty Publications from 2023


Experiencing Short Heat Waves Early in Development Changes Thermal Responsiveness of Turtle Embryos to Later Heat Waves, Anthony Breitenbach, Rosario A. Marroquín-Flores, Ryan T. Paitz, and Rachel M. Bowden


Not all cities are the same: variation in animal phenotypes across cities within urban ecology studies, Javier delBarco-Trillo and Breanna J. Putman


Decision Rules for Egg-Color-Based Rejection by Two Cavity-Nesting Hosts of the Brown-Headed Cowbird, Alexander J. Di Giovanni, Juliana Villa, Mark T. Stanback, Charles F. Thompson, Scott K. Sakaluk, Mark E. Hauber, and Daniel Hanley


A novel ruthenium-silver based antimicrobial potentiates aminoglycoside activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Gracious Yoofi Donkor, Greg M. Anderson, Michael Stadler, Patrick Ofori Tawiah, Carl D. Orellano, Kevin A. Edwards, and Jan-Ulrik Dahl


Survival-Larval Density Relationships in the Field and Their Implications for Control of Container-Dwelling Aedes Mosquitoes, Katherine G. Evans, Zoey R. Neale, Brendan Holly, Cecilia C. Canizela, and Steven A. Juliano


Asynchronous student engagement in analysis of climate data achieves learning objectives related to climate change understanding, statistical competence, and climate anxiety, Thomas Meixner, B. Ciancarelli, E. P. Farrell, D. Silva Garcia, T. Josek, M. M. Kelly, Paul Antone Meister, D. Soule, and Rebekka Darner

Faculty Publications from 2022


Multi-Scale Threat Assessment of Riverine Ecosystems in the Colorado River Basin, Lise Comte, Julian D. Olden, Stacy Lischka, and Brett G. Dickson


Morphological Stability of Rural Populations Supports Their Use as Controls in Urban Ecology Studies, Javier delBarco-Trillo and Tania Regacho


Induction of Multiple Immune Signaling Pathways in Gryllodes sigillatus Crickets during Overt Viral Infections, Kristin R. Duffield, Bert Foquet, Judith A. Stasko, John Hunt, Ben M. Sadd, Scott K. Sakaluk, and José L. Ramirez


Predation in Many Dimensions: Spatial Context Is Important for Meaningful Functional Response Experiments, Steven A. Juliano, Jonah A. Goughnour, and Geoffrey D. Ower


Genetic Covariance in Immune Measures and Pathogen Resistance in Decorated Crickets is Sex and Pathogen Specific, Corinne Letendre, Kristin Duffield, Ben M. Sadd, Scott K. Sakaluk, Clarissa M. House, and John Hunt


Evolution of Immune Function in Response to Dietary Macronutrients in Male and Female Decorated Crickets, Corinne Letendre, Alejandro Rios-Villamil, Alexandria Williams, James Rapkin, Scott K. Sakaluk, Clarissa M. House, and John Hunt


How Does Flow Alteration Propagate Across a Large, Highly Regulated Basin? Dam Attributes, Network Context, and Implications for Biodiversity, Albert Ruhi, Jeongwoo Hwang, Naresh Devineni, Sudarshana Mukhopadhyay, Hemant Kumar, Lise Comte, Scott Worland, and A. Sankarasubramanian


Non-linear relationships between density and demographic traits in three Aedes species, Logan A. Sauers, Steven A. Juliano, and Kelsey E. Hawes


Redox-Mediated Inactivation of the Transcriptional Repressor RcrR is Responsible for Uropathogenic Escherichia coli’s Increased Resistance to Reactive Chlorine Species, Sadia Sultana, Mary E. Crompton, Kennadi Meurer, Olivia Jankiewicz, Grace H. Morales, Colton Johnson, Elise Horbach, Kevin Pierre Hoffmann, Pooja Kr, Ritika Shah, Greg M. Anderson, Jonathan E. Schmitz, Maria Hadjifrangiskou, Alessandro Foti, and Jan-Ulrik Dahl

Faculty Publications from 2021


Dataset for Response of the Invasive Alliaria Petiolata to Extreme Temperatures and Drought, Roger C. Anderson, Rebecca Anderson, Jonathan T. Bauer, Christopher Loebach, Alicia Mullarkey, and Megan Engelhardt


Intralocus Sexual Conflict over Optimal Nutrient Intake and the Evolution of Sex Differences in Life Span and Reproduction, Michael Hawkes, Sarah M. Lane, Scott K. Sakaluk, John Hunt, Clarissa M. House, Kim Jensen, and James Rapkin


Mutational Analysis Reveals Potential Phosphorylation Sites in Eukaryotic Elongation Factor 1A That are Important for its Activity, Maria K. Mateyak, Dongming He, Pragati Sharma, and Terri Goss Kinzy


Asp56 in Actin is Critical for the Full Activity of the Amino Acid Starvation-Responsive Kinase Gcn2, Rashmi Ramesh, Martina Dautel, Yongook Lee, Yeonsoo Kim, Kirsty Storey, Susanne Gottfried, Terri Goss Kinzy, Won-Ki Huh, and Evelyn Sattlegger


Impacts of fungal entomopathogens on survival and immune responses of Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens mosquitoes in the context of native Wolbachia infections, Jose L. Ramirez, Molly K. Schumacher, Geoff Ower, Debra E. Palmquist, and Steven A. Juliano


Active and Covert Infections of Cricket Iridovirus and Acheta domesticus Densovirus in Reared Gryllodes sigillatus Crickets, Scott K. Sakaluk, Kristin Duffield, John Hunt, Ben M. Sadd, Brenda Oppert, José L. Ramirez, Karyna Rosario, and Robert W. Behle

Faculty Publications from 2020


Macronutrient Intake and Simulated Infection Threat Independently Affect Life History Traits of Male Decorated Crickets, Kristin Duffield, Kylie J. Hampton, James Rapkin, John Hunt, Scott K. Sakaluk, Ben M. Sadd, and Thomas M. Houslay


Importance of Taxonomic Group, Life Stage and Circumstance of Rescue upon Wildlife Rehabilitation in Ontario, Canada, Gillian Kelly and Javier delBarco-Trillo


Tardigrade Abundance in Relation to Urbanisation and Highly Anthropogenic Substrates, Thomas McCarthy and Javier delBarco-Trillo


Changes in the Home Range Sizes of Terrestrial Vertebrates in Response to Urban Disturbance: A Meta-Analysis, Kate O'Donnell and Javier delBarco-Trillo

Faculty Publications from 2019


The Effect of Management Practices on Bumblebee Densities in Hedgerow and Grassland Habitats, Fiach Byrne and Javier delBarco-Trillo


How Do Trait-Mediated Non-lethal Effects of Predation Affect Population-Level Performance of Mosquitoes?, Karthikeyan Chandrasegaran and Steven A. Juliano


Tardigrades in the City: A Review of Diversity Patterns in Response to Urbanization, Javier delBarco-Trillo


P-Mail: The Information Highway of Nocturnal, But Not Diurnal or Cathemeral, Strepsirrhines, Christine M. Drea, Thomas E. Goodwin, and Javier delBarco-Trillo


Finding the sweet spot: What levels of larval mortality lead to compensation or overcompensation in adult production?, Zoey R. Neale and Steven A. Juliano


The demographic and life-history costs of fear: Trait-mediated effects of threat of predation on Aedes triseriatus, Geoffrey D. Ower and Steven A. Juliano


Microplastic prevalence in two fish species in two U.S. reservoirs, William Perry, Catherine M. O'Reilly, and Raven Hurt


Supplementary Feeding Can Attract Red Squirrels (Sciurus Vulgaris) to Optimal Environments, Anna Starkey and Javier delBarco-Trillo


Identifying Dopamine Receptor Genes and Transcription Marbled Crayfish, Wolfgang Stein and Saisupritha Talasu

Faculty Publications from 2018


Divergent Coevolutionary Trajectories in Parent–offspring Interactions and Discrimination Against Brood Parasites Revealed by Interspecific Cross-fostering, Alexandra Capodeanu-Nägler, Anne-Katrin Eggert, Scott K. Sakaluk, Sandra Steiger, and Elena Ruiz de la Torre


Context-dependent interactive effects of non-lethal predation on larvae impact adult longevity and body composition, Karthikeyan Chandrasegaran, Samyuktha Rao Kandregula, Suhel Quader, and Steven A. Juliano


Shyer and Larger Bird Species Show More Reduced Fear of Humans When Living in Urban Environments, Javier delBarco-Trillo


Is Male Reproductive Senescence Minimized in Mus Species With High Levels of Sperm Competition?, Javier delBarco-Trillo, Maximiliano Tourmente, María Varea-Sánchez, and Eduardo R S Roldan


Demonstration of Translation Elongation Factor 3 Activity From a Non-Fungal Species, Phytophthora infestans, Maria K. Mateyak, Justyna K. Pupek, Alexandra E. Garino, McCllelan C. Knapp, Sarah F. Colmer, Terri Goss Kinzy, and Stephen Dunaway


The Geometry of Nutrient Space–Based Life-History Trade-Offs: Sex-Specific Effects of Macronutrient Intake on the Trade-Off between Encapsulation Ability and Reproductive Effort in Decorated Crickets, James Rapkin, Clarissa M. House, John Hunt, Scott K. Sakaluk, Kim Jensen, C. Ruth Archer, and Enrique del Castillo


Offspring Dependence on Parental Care and the Role of Parental Transfer of Oral Fluids in Burying Beetles, Scott K. Sakaluk, Alexandra Capodeanu-Nägler, Madlen A. Prang, Stephen T. Trumbo, Heiko Vogel, Anne-Katrin Eggert, and Sandra Steiger

Faculty Publications from 2017


Breaking the Silos of Protein Synthesis, Maria K. Mateyak and Terri Goss Kinzy

Faculty Publications from 2016


No Effect of Blood Sampling or Phytohaemagglutinin Injection on Postfledging Survival in a Wild Songbird, Emerson Keith Bowers, Charles F. Thompson, and Scott K. Sakaluk


From Facultative to Obligatory Parental Care: Interspecific Variation in Offspring Dependency on Post-hatching Care in Burying Beetles, Alexandra Capodeanu-Nägler, Eva M. Keppner, Manfred Ayasse, Heiko Vogel, Anne-Katrin Eggert, Scott K. Sakaluk, and Sandra Steiger


Seasonal Differences in Density But Similar Competitive Impact of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) on Aedes aegypti (L.) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Daniel Cardoso Portela Camara, Claudia Torres Codeço, Steven A. Juliano, Philip Lounibos, Thais Irene Souza Riback, Glaucio Rocha Pereira, and Nildimar Alves Honorio


A Cost for High Levels of Sperm Competition in Rodents: Increased Sperm DNA Fragmentation, Javier delBarco-Trillo, Olga García-Álvarez, Ana Josefa Soler, Maximiliano Tourmente, and José Julián Garde


Beyond Aggression: Androgen-Receptor Blockade Modulates Social Interaction in Wild Meerkats, Javier delBarco-Trillo, Lydia K. Greene, Ines Bragga Goncalves, Miriam Fenkes, and Jillian H. Wisse


Mechanism and Regulation of Protein Synthesis in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Thomas E. Dever, Terri Goss Kinzy, and Graham D. Pavitt


Design for mosquito abundance, diversity, and phenology sampling within the National Ecological Observatory Network, David Hoekman, Y. P. Springer, C. M. Barker, R. Barrera, M. S. Blackmore, W. E. Bradshaw, D. H. Foley, H. S. Ginsberg, M. H. Hayden, C. M. Holzapfel, Steven A. Juliano, L. D. Kramer, S. L. LaDeau, T. P. Livdahl, C. G. Moore, R. S. Nasci, W. K. Reisen, and H. M. Savage


The Unique Evolutionary Distribution of Eukaryotic Elongation Factor 3, Maria Mateyak, Arjun N. Sasikumar, Stephen Dunaway, and Terri Goss Kinzy


What’s in the Gift? Towards a Molecular Dissection of Nuptial Feeding in a Cricket, Yannick Pauchet, Natalie Wielsch, Paul A. Wilkinson, Aleš Svatoš, Scott K. Sakaluk, Richard H. ffrench-Constant, David G. Heckel, and John Hunt


Tick-, mosquito-, and rodent-borne parasite sampling designs for the National Ecological Observatory Network, Yuri P. Springer, David Hoekman, Pieter T. J. Johnson, Paul A. Duffy, Rebecca A. Hufft, David T. Barnett, Brian F. Allan, Brian R. Amman, Christopher M. Barker, and Steven A. Juliano

Faculty Publications from 2015


A multifaceted trophic cascade in a detritus-based system: density-, trait-, or processing-chain-mediated effects, Daniel Albeny-Simões, Ebony G. Murrell, Evaldo F. Vilela, and Steven A. Juliano


Differences in the Fatty-Acid Composition of Rodent Spermatozoa are Associated to Levels of Sperm Competition, Javier delBarco-Trillo, Rafael Mateo, and Eduardo R. S. Roldan


No Evidence of Trade-Offs in the Evolution of Sperm Numbers and Sperm Size in Mammals, M. Tourmente, Javier delBarco-Trillo, and E.R.S. Roldan

Faculty Publications from 2014


What does not kill them makes them stronger: larval environment and infectious dose alter mosquito potential to transmit filarial worms, Jennifer A. Breaux, Molly K. Schumacher, and Steven A. Juliano


Socioecological and Phylogenetic Patterns in the Chemical Signals of Strepsirrhine Primates, Javier delBarco-Trillo and Christine M. Drea


Effects of Metabolic Rate and Sperm Competition on the Fatty-Acid Composition of Mammalian Sperm, Javier delBarco-Trillo and E.R.S. Roldan


In Vivo [35 S]-Methionine Incorporation, Anthony M. Esposito and Terri Goss Kinzy


The Behavior of Female Meadow Voles, Microtus Pennsylvanicus, During Postpartum Estrus and the Responses of Males to Them, Michael H. Ferkin and Javier delBarco-Trillo


She’s a femme fatale: Low-density larval development produces good disease vectors, Steven A. Juliano, Gabriel Sylvestre Ribeiro, Rafael Maciel-de-Freitas, Márcia G. Castro, Claudia Codeço, Ricardo Lourenço-de-Oliveira, and L Philip Lounibos


Spatial and Temporal Habitat Segregation of Mosquitoes in Urban Florida, Paul T. Leisnham, Shannon L. LaDeau, and Steven A. Juliano


Methylation of Translation Elongation Factor 1A by the METTL10-Like See1 Methyltransferase Facilitates Tombusvirus Replication in Yeast and Plants, Zhenghe Li, Paulina Alatriste Gonzalez, Zsuzsanna Sasvari, Terri Goss Kinzy, and Peter D. Nagy


Food Supplementation Fails to Reveal a Trade-Off between Incubation and Self-Maintenance in Female House Wrens, Cassie J. Lothery, Charles F. Thompson, Megan L. Lawler, and Scott K. Sakaluk


Translation Elongation Factor 1A Mutants with Altered Actin Bundling Activity Show Reduced Aminoacyl-tRNA Binding and Alter Initiation via eIF2α Phosphorylation, Winder B. Perez and Terri Goss Kinzy


Genetic and Environmental Variation in Condition, Cutaneous Immunity, and Haematocrit in House Wrens, Scott K. Sakaluk, Laura A. Vogel, Alastair J. Wilson, E. Keith Bowers, L. Scott Johnson, Brian S. Masters, Bonnie GP Johnson, Anna M. Forsman, and Charles F. Thompson


Mutations in the Chromodomain-like Insertion of Translation Elongation Factor 3 Compromise Protein Synthesis Through Reduced ATPase Activity, Arjun N. Sasikumar and Terri Goss Kinzy


An in vivo Assay for Simultaneous Monitoring of Neuronal Activity and Behavioral Output in the Stomatogastric Nervous System of Decapod Crustaceans, Wolfgang Stein and Florian Diehl

Faculty Publications from 2013


Linezolid Exerts Greater Bacterial Clearance but No Modification of Host Lung Gene Expression Profiling: A Mouse MRSA Pneumonia Model, Jiwang Chen, Gang Feng, Yang Song, Juliane B. Wardenburg, Simon Lin, Ichiro Inoshima, Michael Otto, and Richard G. Wunderink


Amphetamine Elicits Opposing Actions on Readily Releasable and Reserve Pools for Dopamine, Dan P. Covey, Steven A. Juliano, and Paul A. Garris


Metabolic Rate Limits the Effect of Sperm Competition on Mammalian Spermatogenesis, Javier delBarco-Trillo, Maximiliano Tourmente, and Eduardo R. S. Roldan


Deletion of the TPM1 and MDM20 Genes Affect the Mechanical and Structural Properties of Yeast Cells, Annette Doyle, Steven R. Crosby, David R. Burton, Francis Lilley, Gary Johnston, Winder B. Perez, Terri Goss Kinzy, and Mark F. Murphy


The "Secret" in Secretions: Methodological Considerations in Deciphering Primate Olfactory Communication, Christine M. Drea, Marylene Boulet, Javier delBarco-Trillo, Lydia K. Greene, and Caitlin R. Sacha


ADP-ribosylation of Translation Elongation Factor 2 by Diphtheria Toxin in Yeast Inhibits Translation and Cell Separation, Maria K. Mateyak and Terri Goss Kinzy


Multivariate Sexual Selection on Male Song Structure in Wild Populations of Sagebrush Crickets, Cyphoderris Strepitans (Orthoptera: Haglidae), Scott K. Sakaluk, Sandra Steiger, John Hunt, Geoffrey D. Ower, Kevin A. Judge, Rebecca A. Smith, and Kyle J. Caron


Additional Routes to Staphylococcus aureus Daptomycin Resistance as Revealed by Comparative Genome Sequencing, Transcriptional Profiling, and Phenotypic Studies, Yang Song, Aileen Rubio, Radheshyam K. Jayaswal, Jared A. Silverman, and Brian J. Wilkinson

Faculty Publications from 2012


Chemical Differences Between Voided and Bladder Urine in the Aye-Aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis): Implications for Olfactory Communication Studies, Javier delBarco-Trillo, Innocent H. Harelimana, Thomas E. Goodwin, and Christine M. Drea


Asymmetric Learning to Avoid Heterospecific Males in Mesocricetus Hamsters, Javier delBarco-Trillo and Robert E. Johnston


Interactions With Heterospecific Males Do Not Affect How Female Mesocricetus Hamsters Respond to Conspecific Males, Javier delBarco-Trillo and Robert E. Johnston


Eulemur, Me Lemur: The Evolution of Scent-Signal Complexity in a Primate Clade, Javier delBarco-Trillo, Caitlin R. Sacha, George R. Dubay, and Christine M. Drea


abd-A Regulation by the iab-8 Noncoding RNA, Maheshwar Gummalla, Robert K. Maeda, Javier J. Castro Alvarez, Henrik Gyurkovics, Kevin A. Edwards, Swetha Singari, and Welcome Bender


Seasonal Photoperiods Alter Developmental Time and Mass of an Invasive Mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae), Across Its North-South Range in the United States, Steven A. Juliano, Donald A. Yee, and Steven M. Vamosi


A Comparison of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone on the Induction of Spermiation and Amplexus in the American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus), Andrew J. Kouba, Javier delBarco-Trillo, Carrie K. Vance, Callie Milam, and Meghan Carr


Competitive Abilities in Experimental Microcosms Are Accurately Predicted by a Demographic Index for R*, Ebony G. Murrell and Steven A. Juliano


The Many Roles of the Eukaryotic Elongation Factor 1 Complex, Arjun N. Sasikumar, Winder B. Perez, and Terri Goss Kinzy


Wing Shape as an Indicator of Larval Rearing Conditions for Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae), C R. Stephens and Steven A. Juliano


Re-Feeding Food-Deprived Male Meadow Voles Affects the Sperm Allocation of Their Rival Males, Ashlee A. Vaughn and Javier delBarco-Trillo

Faculty Publications from 2011


Experimentally Increased in Ovo Testosterone Leads to Increased Plasma Bactericidal Activity and Decreased Cutaneous Immune Response in Nestling House Wrens, Sandrine G. Clairardin, Craig A. Barnett, Scott K. Sakaluk, and Charles F. Thompson


Adjustment of Sperm Allocation Under High Risk of Sperm Competition Across Taxa: A Meta-Analysis, Javier delBarco-Trillo


Night and Day: The Comparative Study of Strepsirrhine Primates Reveals Socioecological and Phylogenetic Patterns in Olfactory Signals, Javier delBarco-Trillo, B. A. Burkert, T. E. Goodwin, and C. M. Drea