Faculty Publications - Communications | Communication | Illinois State University


Submissions from 2025


Addressing Barriers to Racial Health Disparity Policy Change Advocacy: Exploring White Defensiveness Strategies, Mary Beth Deline, Mary Katreeb, Emily MJ Mason, Laura N. Richard, Ertemisa Godinez, and Kajsa E. Darlymple

Submissions from 2024


Differentiation Versus Denial: Impact of Messaging About Player Transactions On Team Reputation, Ticket Sales, and Sports Channel Subscriptions, Joseph R. Blaney and Stephen K. Hunt


We’re Going Streaking!: Associations Between the Gamification of Mediated Communication and Relational Closeness, Caleb T. Carr and Sarah F. Rosaen


Remembering Redlining: Trauma, Anti-Blackness, and Afro-Pessimistic Affect in Them, Byron B. Craig and Stephen E. Rahko


Proximal Discourses in Residential Facility Care Providers’ Sense-Making of Their Communication with Family Members of a Loved One with Alzheimer’s Disease, Aimee E. Miller-Ott and Tristin Evans


Tempus Fugit: Unraveling Temporal Occurrence and Display Order Effects of Online Information on Employer Impressions, Alina Niftulaeva, Omolola Lasisi, Millicent Elewosi, Matthew Edor, and Caleb T. Carr


Words, Words, Words: Participants Do Not Read Consent Forms in Communication Research, Daria Parfenova, Alina Niftulaeva, and Caleb T. Carr


Prophetic Dissent in Dark Times: the New Poor People’s Campaign and the Rhetoric of National Redemption, Stephen E. Rahko and Byron B. Craig

Submissions from 2023


Persuasive Attack and Defense of Campus Free Speech: Implications for the First Amendment, Joseph R. Blaney and Matthew J. Blaney


Temporal Impacts of Problematic Social Media Content on Perceived Employee Hirability, Caleb T. Carr, Mary C. Katreeb, and Ertemisa P. Godinez


Reconstituting Digital Counterpublics in Times of Crisis: The Case of the United States and the Republic of Georgia, Byron B. Craig, Stephen E. Rahko, and Nathan Carpenter


Understanding parents’ sense-making of their role in adolescent daughters’ social media use through the lens of relational dialectics theory 2.0, Aimee Miller-Ott, Lynne Kelly, and Samantha Schultz


Cross and Crown™: Trademarks and the Legal Naming of American Religions, Andrew Ventimiglia


‘I’m Not a Virus’: Asian Hate in Donald Trump’s Rhetoric, Jennifer Zheng and Joseph Zompetti

Submissions from 2021


A World Grappling with Pope Francis: Laudato Si' and the Contested Frames of a Secular-Minded Church, Joseph R. Blaney

Submissions from 2020


The Delocalization of the Local Election, Caleb T. Carr

Submissions from 2018


When Nobody “Likes” You: Perceived Ostracism Through Paralinguistic Digital Affordances Within Social Media, Rebecca A. Hayes, Eric D. Wesselmann, and Caleb T. Carr

Submissions from 2015


After the Prestige: A Postmodern Analysis of Penn and Teller, Liz Miller and Joseph Zompetti

Submissions from 2014


The Rhetorical Goddess: A Feminist Perspective on Women in Magic, Laura C. Bruns and Joseph Zompetti

Submissions from 2006


Cèsar Chàvez's Rhetorical Use of Religious Symbols, Joseph Zompetti

Submissions from 2001


Restoring the Juridical Image: Apologia for Ex Corde Ecclesiae, Joseph R. Blaney

Submissions from 1997


The Persuasive Defense of Jesus in the Gospel According to John, Joseph R. Blaney and William L. Benoit