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Family structure, family management practices, youth well-being, stepfamilies, single-mother families


Using data from a national sample of 15-year olds (N = 681) we tested if four family management practices (parental knowledge, behavioral control, parental academic involvement, and unsupervised time with peers) differed between family structures (i.e., biological-parent, stepfather, or single-mother family). We then identified the family management practices associated with positive youth well-being (psychosocial maturity, positive friendship networks, and school bonding) within each family structure. Parental knowledge, academic involvement, and behavioral control were greater in biological-parent than single-mother families. Stepfather families only differed from biological-parent and single-mother families on parental academic involvement. Although family management practices were associated with youth well-being in all family structures, the specific family management practices associated with each aspect of youth well-being varied across structures. Results have implications for how family-based interventions might be adjusted to better account for the specific characteristics of biological-parent, stepfather, and single-mother families.


This is a preprint. The final published article citation is:

Beckmeyer, J. J., & Russell, L. T. (2018). Family structure and family management practices: Associations with positive aspects of youth well-being. Journal of Family Issues, 39(7), 2131-2154.
