"The Influence of Student Problem-Solving Appraisal and Nature of Probl" by Jeffrey H. Kahn and Margaret M. Nauta

The Influence of Student Problem-Solving Appraisal and Nature of Problem on Likelihood of Seeking Counseling Services

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Examined 180 college students to explore the influences of problem-solving appraisal and type of personal problem on their attitudes toward counseling. Although self-appraised effective problem solvers held more positive attitudes toward seeking help than did ineffective problem solvers, the former group indicated a lower likelihood of seeking counseling for intrapersonal problems


This article was originally published as Kahn, J. H., & Nauta, M. M. (1997). The influence of student problem-solving appraisal and nature of problem on likelihood of seeking counseling services. Journal of College Student Development, 38(1), 32–39.
