"Awareness of Social Media Audiences among Adolescents in a School-Base" by Keeley Hynes, Luke Russell et al.

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adolescents, focus groups, school-based, programming, social media


The current study investigated adolescents’ (N=213) decision finding processes and affective reactions to interactions on social media via 29 focus groups. As part of a larger study, adolescents participated in focus groups at two time-points across an academic year while participating in a school-based intervention promoting healthy romantic, interpersonal, and family relationships, job readiness, and financial literacy. Qualitative analyses indicated adolescents’ experiences and decisions on social media platforms were informed by their awareness of audiences, namely who they thought would view their posts and anticipated responses from “friends,” “family members,” “fans,” “creeps,” and “potential employers.” Comprehensive school-based interventions may serve to effectively develop responsibility more broadly, as well as a specific awareness about online risks and behaviors.

Funding Source

Funding for this research was provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (Grant #90FM0076). This article was published Open Access thanks to a transformative agreement between Milner Library and Taylor & Francis.


This article was published in the Journal of Applied School Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/15377903.2023.2263398.

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