Changing Hostile Beliefs Towards Women Through Partner Abuse Intervention Programs

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hostility, partner abuse intervention, aggression


This research project examined hostile beliefs towards women held by men who completed a Duluth Model partner violence intervention program. Changes in beliefs are foundational to change in the cessation of violence within the Duluth model. Hostile beliefs towards women establish a context for objectification and suspicion of women, and justification for violence. Although there was not a significant reduction in hostility scores, there was a significant reduction in aggression scores. Hostility scores were significantly correlated with the aggression scores indicating encouraging results that partner abuse intervention programs may influence the reduction of hostile beliefs towards women and thus may impact perpetration of violence.


This article was originally published as Zosky, D. (2016). Changing hostile beliefs towards women through partner abuse intervention programs. Open Journal of Social Sciences,4(2), 99-107.
