Aims & Scope | Journal of STEM Teacher Education | Illinois State University
Journal of STEM Teacher Education

Aims & Scope

The Journal of STEM Teacher Education, formerly the Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, publishes high quality research and theoretical articles as well as position papers concerning the education of pre-service and in-service teachers in a variety of settings. The journal is concerned with how to understand and support STEM-related knowledge and practices among Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers, informal STEM educators (e.g. museums, libraries, maker-spaces, etc.), and formal K-20 classroom teachers. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts that report classroom, curricular, and conceptual innovations in teacher education that emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of STEM-related disciplines. The Journal of STEM Teacher Education is an open access, peer reviewed journal with high standards for publication. All manuscripts which report data or participation by human subjects must include appropriate oversight by Institutional Review Boards. Requirements for all submitted manuscripts include that work must be focused on (1) teacher education (no classroom studies, or student focused works), and (2) it must involve the integration of STEM domains. For example, PD for mathematics teachers learning to utilize engineering design challenges to contextualize concepts.