The purpose of this article is to evaluate an intensive, integrated model for teacher preparation, specifically, a preservice STEM teacher education model which incorporates science or mathematics content with pedagogical content knowledge in an early, intensive classroom immersion program based entirely in a local school. STEM preservice teachers participated in a cooperative teaching experience which placed them at the school site for their university course work and field placements, thus ensuring a more seamless connection between theory and practice. The findings from this comparative study of the STEM preservice students in the teaching co-op and STEM preservice teachers in a traditional preparation model indicate that the STEM preservice teachers in the teaching cooperative model were more confident about their teaching skills, more comfortable with their content knowledge, and prepared to work effectively with high-needs students.
Recommended Citation
Eckman, Ellen W.; Williams, Mary Allison; and Silver-Thorn, M. Barbara
"An Integrated Model for STEM Teacher Preparation: The Value of a Teaching Cooperative Educational Experience,"
Journal of STEM Teacher Education: Vol. 51:
1, Article 8.
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