Trust-Based Relational Intervention (Tbri): A Class and Subsequent Home Implementation Evaluation

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Social Work


Kate Sheridan

Mentor Department

Social Work


This exploratory, qualitative study examines participant perceptions of the effectiveness of the Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) parenting class. Participants will be self-reporting (via survey) their use of techniques taught in the TBRI parenting course for parents of children who have been adopted, are in foster care, or have other trauma histories. The goal of the study is to understand which concepts were most useful to parents, how the principles and techniques are implemented in the home after participation in the TBRI parenting class, and areas where parents still feel deficient or wish for more focused training. TBRI is an evidence based, trauma focused intervention and past research has shown changes in brain cortisol levels as well as family interaction/behavioral improvements for children whose caretakers use this intervention. The Baby Fold, the local agency which teaches this class and whose therapists are trained in this intervention, uses TBRI principles with parents. This study would look at exactly how the principles are used in the home and find out what else parents would like to learn as a step toward understanding how to better support parents in the future.



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