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Degree Type



Educational Administration & Foundations


Gavin Weiser

Mentor Department

Educational Administration & Foundations


The purpose of this research is to further the understanding of how individual's interactions are impacted by stereotypes by constructing a predictive model that illustrates what possible actions an individual might take in any given situation. I conducted research of extant literature to better understand the variety of negative effects that stereotypes can have on students and adults alike. Identifying the threats that stereotypes pose has served as a way for professionals in education to help minimize certain obstacles to achievement, as well as maximize the student's learning environment. Stereotype proximity theory (SPT) attempts to conceptualize the decision-making process performed by individuals when considering whether to participate in a given activity that resembles a historical or contemporary stereotype. The aspects of SPT culminates in a decision matrix that illustrates an individual's predicted participation level in a given activity based on several internal and external factors. Leaning on the foundations of both game and decision theory ((Parmigiani & Inoue, 2009; Grune-Yanoff, 2018) the framework of Stereotype Proximity Theory was created using concepts from stereotype threat theory the components of the model were constructed. This model can be generative for educators because it allows those working with students to better predict how educational programming might develop students' ability make better decisions when faced with similar situation in the future. In addition to programming, educators involved in any type of advisement or coaching of students would be able to draw from the model when working through decision-making skills and patterns.

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