"What are the Current Perceptions of a High School's Teachers Regarding" by Marie Chandler

What are the Current Perceptions of a High School's Teachers Regarding Trauma-Sensitive Practice? What is the Teachers' Perceived Need for Future Training?

Publication Date


Document Type



Social Work


Kathryn Conley Wehrmann

Mentor Department

Social Work


Research demonstrates that over half of the population in the United States has experienced at least one or more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) (Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative, 2017). ACEs negatively affect brain development and physical and mental health, which creates barriers to a student's capacity to learn and function appropriately in the school environment. This study explores teacher perceptions of trauma-sensitive practices and their desire for future training through a survey that was given after an introductory training. Trauma-sensitive approaches to meeting student needs are associated with improvement in students' educational and behavioral outcomes, student retention, a decrease in disciplinary measures needed, reduction in special education needs and services, and a decrease in the stress of students and school personnel, to name a few (Crosby, 2015). Findings of the study will help a high school administration determine whether there is a perceived need for future trauma-sensitive training for their teachers.



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