"The Effectiveness of Online Professional Development in Promoting Tech" by Ayshah Alahmari

The Effectiveness of Online Professional Development in Promoting Technology Integration in Saudi Arabia

Publication Date


Document Type



Teaching and Learning


John Rugutt

Mentor Department

Educational Administration & Foundations


The purpose of this study was to assess teachers' perspectives about the effectiveness of online professional development in promoting technology integration in Saudi Arabia and to identify the perceived factors that contribute to the success of online professional development in Saudi Arabia. The study explored the possible differences in perceived effectiveness of online professional development based on participant's demographic information, technology skills, attending online professional development, number of hours attended, and enrollment in Teaching with Technology (TWT) initiative. Additionally, this study investigated the affordances for autonomous learning in a fully online learning environment for effective online professional development. The ANOVA results indicated significant mean differences in teachers' responses across gender (F (1, 143) = 2.27, p < 0.05) and also across enrollment in TWT initiative (F (2,143) =10.01, p < 0.05). Gender and TWT accounted for 5.5% and 6.5% of variance in Teacher Overall Perspectives about the effectiveness of online professional development respectively. The study major findings and conclusions of the study are also discussed in view of their implications for future research, measurement theory, research design and practice in the manuscript.



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