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Creative Technologies


Kristin Carlson

Mentor Department

Creative Technologies


I am presenting research about the Matusaragatí wetlands in the Darién region of Panama. This environmental research has been crafted into a children’s book for education and awareness. The main focus of this research is to give children and adults an insight into their environment through another environment in Panama. The children’s book is formatted to teach young children about their senses and emotions as well as inspiration to treasure nature. Our future generations will be stepping into an uninhabitable world that won’t be enjoyable as a result of what our past and current generations have been abusing. Particularly in the rainforests of Panama, where preservation of natural areas is political and frequently intersects with the indigenous stewards of the land, which is cancerous to our evolution. Matusaragatí is a wetland that is in need of nourishment, love, and protection. As a Creative Technologies team, we have gathered research on the local histories of the Darién region, and how those histories engage with current people, animals, plants, and environments. We are compiling this information into a children’s book in order to raise awareness of the importance of restoring the Matusaragatí wetlands. In previous research, we have gained the understanding that Matusaragatí is dealing with corruption from property title registrations in protected wildlife areas. The consideration of the land as currency is a disease to this wetland and many other parts of Darién and Panama. Deforestation and violation of lagoons, forests may bring revenue in the short term, but have devastating effects on the region as a whole over time. This includes the health of all waterways and oceans surrounding the area, and the accompanying wildlife that residents rely on for their own survival. By listening to the need for awareness, I decided to approach our future generations. I am making a children’s book that entails the truth, beauty, and power of wetlands like Matusaragatí to the world. Throughout the book, I provide details of how vital Matusaragatí’s life is for all of its inhabitants. Matusaragatí is alive and deserves to be treated as a life that needs protection and love. Together we must not ignore what’s happening and still strive to better the situation. As one, we can evolve and create a biodeversity of health and abundance.



Catalina Hernandez Ramos

Kristin Carlson

Lucy Gill

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