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Jin Jo

Mentor Department



Colleges and universities make up 4% of the United States’ carbon emissions. One thing that can fix this problem is by having institutions of higher education divest from fossil fuel sources and switch to cleaner forms of energy such as solar energy. Furthermore, solar energy can cut CO2 emissions caused by colleges and universities in the United States by 28% and meet college energy needs up to 75% or higher. This could help U.S. higher education institutions save on high costs of conventional energy, which on average cost about $14 billion in energy bills. The goal of this comparative analysis is to see how state incentives, institutional programs, and electricity rates make a power purchase agreement more economically viable than an upfront simple ownership financing model based on the installation of solar systems at Illinois State University and Cheyney University in their respective states. By conceptually implementing solar systems at each University by using solar photovoltaic system design and performance models, a cost analysis comparing both universities can be conducted. Furthermore, this comparative analysis presented case studies through which each university can implement campus programs to help drive down system costs and how their respective states can implement energy policies to help aid solar installation.

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