"Exploring the Experience of Women in Sport Leadership and Management" by Chrishaya Dixon

Exploring the Experience of Women in Sport Leadership and Management

Publication Date


Document Type



Kinesiology & Recreation


Tracy Mainieri

Mentor Department

Kinesiology & Recreation


Shaw and Frisby (2006) suggested researchers must go beyond the liberal feminist approach toward understanding discrimination in sport organizations, and instead must explore the challenges of the power structures within these organizations. Thus, it is important to examine the careers of women who have succeeded in achieving these positions by examining their career paths, identifying the most and least enjoyable aspects of their jobs, listing greatest challenges, and providing career advice to women considering a career in intercollegiate athletic administration (Bowers & Humms, 2013). While a number of theoretical frameworks have been used to address under-representation of women within leadership positions of sport organizations, little attention has been paid to the internal identity processes of women seeking membership in and advancement within these organizations (Satore & Cunningham, 2007). The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of women in sports leadership and management. Individual interviews will be utilized to gather data from collegiate women sport administrators. Results of this study will provide insight to the experiences of women collegiate sports administrators.



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