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Dr. Dawn M. McBride

Mentor Department



The Deese/Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm was developed to investigate false memory using lists of words related to an associated, non-present lure. The purpose of the present study was to examine the differences in memory errors for semantic and phonological lists across delays using the DRM paradigm. Previous studies have shown that the higher rates of false memories for semantic than phonological lists typically seen at longer delays is reversed for very short delays (McBride et al., 2019). Delays, 750 ms, 30 s, 90 s, and 3 min, were included to examine the delay at when the cross-over from primarily phonological errors in the short-term to semantic errors in long-term memory takes place. We hypothesized that the change in errors from one list type to the other at about a 90 second delay between study of the lists and the test item and to increase for semantic errors for delays longer than 90 seconds. The results showed significant false memories across all delays with two exceptions: no false memories were found for semantic lists at the shortest delay (750 ms) or for phonological lists at the 90 s delay. These results suggest a crossover from short-term to long-term memory processes in this time frame.

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