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Degree Type



Politics and Government


Dr. Noha Shawki

Mentor Department

Politics and Government


The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a mechanism under the umbrella of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (HRC) that encourages compliance with international human rights law and provides accountability for individual states in that area. However, because the authority of the UN does not supersede state sovereignty, the UPR’s authority, by extension, is not universal in practice. This study will provide a window into the UPR’s effectiveness by examining its results and effects in Senegal. Before diving into the case study, it is important to understand the institutional and legal framework that forms the foundation for the UPR, which is what the first section will focus on. The literature review then provides an overview of previous works assessing the UPR’s effectiveness and what factors play a role throughout the process. After establishing that background, the three cycles of the UPR in Senegal are discussed through the lens of several prevalent human rights issues in the country. Ultimately, the study concludes that despite ongoing challenges that limit the UPR’s ability to ensure immediate, concrete change in national human rights compliance, it remains an effective tool of accountability within the international community and will only grow in its legitimacy and effectiveness in the future.

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